Contributions and software on security issues that have occurred in my work. For people who want to control their computer themselves.
To the WikiThis page consistently avoids the use of its own Javascript. This makes the page in a simple way trustworthy. Nevertheless, it is interactive in a way, as one usually only knows from javascriptlastic pages.
Your website can also be designed according to these criteria. Contact me without obligation.
is the most important European lawbook of modern times. In 1804 introduced by Napoleon, it reflects the ideals of the French Revolution: freedom, equality and brotherhood. He guaranteed freedom of religion, the right to property and equality before the law and ban special rights for the nobility.
has often become easier through information technology. The new freedoms and (digital) property are threatened by large-scale digital expulsions, malware, gross errors in proprietary software, software patents and "digital rights management". The equality of users is challenged by data strangulations and special contracts between Internet providers and content providers.
emitting just as much CO2 like global aviation, and thus themselves represent a social problem.
wants to help make your software safe and transparent, give you back control of your data and reduce your company's personal or power consumption by intelligent program code and selection of suitable hardware.
If you want to know how codecivil You can help, contact me without obligation.
Often, by selecting or programming a suitable operating system, the computer can become faster, but also safer and more energy-saving. codecivil can give you recommendations based on your individual IT needs and implement them.
A professional website helps your project or business become more familiar. codecivil takes over the programming of your website according to your design requirements and optimizes it for search engines. If the page of several people can be administrated, codecivil Also help you set up a CMS.
Whether software upgrade, software conversion or system change, codecivil ensures a smooth transition. to free software.
Post | Road 4 |
30539 Hannover | |
Telephone | 0170 750 7391 |
kuehnel (AT) codecivil (DOT) de | |
PGP key | |
mastodon | |
With crop you can customize images for homepage, emails or other web applications. Often more than 90% file size is saved, which not only reduces the one-time traffic when sending the email or uploading to the homepage, but also every time someone visits the website containing the image. This saves Energy and Range to a considerable extent. This page works offline. This means that the entire image processing runs on your computer, no data will be uploaded to other servers and thus your Privacy protected.
consists of a single file under the GNU Public License. Visit the live version
With JSONice you can clearly represent, change and convert longer JSON strings to a single liner. Errors are usually displayed line-to-line.
consists of a single file under the GNU Public License. Visit the live version
Post | Road 4 |
30539 Hannover | |
Telephone | 0170 750 7391 |
kuehnel (AT) codecivil (DOT) de | |
PGP key | |
mastodon | |
When public money is spent on software development, the result should also be public. Instead, millions will be spent on proprietary software, which has been delivered partly full of serious security deficiencies (election 2000, Luca, ID Wallet) and is difficult to check for your handling of personal data. The Free Software Foundation Europe wants to change this across Europe with your help:
Monitoring by Internet companies, manipulating and discriminatory algorithms, business models that promote anger and hatred, all these are problems that the EU wants to tackle with the Digtal Services Act and the Digital Markets Act. But not everything is good way. Make yourself heard:
The LibreTranslate translation server is available as free software. The instance used here is local in the codecivil network. The translations of this homepage are provided experimentally: errors and gaps are not corrected afterwards.
The function used to translate HTML pages directly is still in beta status. For dynamic pages you should probably write a plugin adapted to the CMS.
It can be seen that typos, irregular verbs, proverbial expressions and more complex grammatical structures still cause errors in translations from German to other languages. LibreTranslate, however, is in active development and is constantly improving.
codecivil is not involved in the development of LibreTranslate.